12 Best Photogrammetry Software For 3D Mapping Using Drones - DroneZon.How to crack Agisoft PhotoScan Professional

12 Best Photogrammetry Software For 3D Mapping Using Drones - DroneZon.How to crack Agisoft PhotoScan Professional

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Agisoft PhotoScan User Manual. Professional Edition, Version PDF Free Download 


Agisoft photoscan professional pdf free. Agisoft Photoscan Professional 1.8.2 Crack 2022


When it comes to editing the model geometry, you are allowed to decrease the geometric resolution of the model, remove small isolated mesh fragments based on different criteria, and delete parts from the model geometry manually.

All in all, Agisoft PhotoScan Professional proves to be a reliable application that provides a complete suite of tools, useful especially for creating georeferenced orthophotos. The program is suitable for professional users, as it comprises many advanced features. August 16, , junior wrote: thank you.

Occasionally finds protrude from a profile which causes some complexity in documentation. In these situations the possibilities of photogrammetry are already exhausted. But already there are examples for the execution of a simple SfM-recording of an archaeological profile8. Objectives 1. On site: - The profile has to be documented without repeated re-positioning of the total station or with just the use of a dGPS. For this the photogrammetry nails below: PG-nails should be taken out of the profile and placed on a flat, accessible surface.

Photoscan - The profile has to be photographed simply and systematically so that on one hand the model will be processed correctly and on the other hand the texture in the actual area of the profile will be consistently and in high-resolution, without stressing the editing time and storage volume.

Profile drawing At the end there has to be a complete digital drawing and a demonstrative model of the profile from which measurements can be taken. The HASP High Accuracy Structure from Motion Profiles -Workflow In the following paragraphs the specifically invented workflow to document profiles via SfM in an effective, exact and high-definition way usable on large sites will be outlined for the first time. Steffen, Linearbandkeramiker am Albtrauf.

To understand this workflow sufficient experience in working with SfM should be present. A more in depth instruction is currently worked on.

All other used programmes are open-source or freeware and publicly available. Taking the Photographs and measuring the needed reference points As soon as the profile is ready for documentation at least four PG-nails or any other sort of marker which can be measured have to be placed. See figure 1 for a schematic illustration.

Model To obtain the best model possible the profile has to be photographed consistently from different sides in overview pictures which are ca. The back and the side of the so-called profile box can be neglected. The picture panes have to be chosen in a way that as little as possible of the unwanted surrounding area is photographed.

These photographs will be the base for the wanted high-resolution texture. The crucial assets are fundamental: First, no PG-nails interfere with the photograph of the profile, which is especially advantageous in the case of smaller profiles.

Second, any detail of the profile can be chosen and photographed at will since PG-nails are not necessary for the orientation of the texture photographs. Therefore macro-pictures of e. Experience shows that considering the above mentioned factors at least 12 photographs have to be taken, with bigger profiles 70 or more can be needed to reach an all-over high quality.

The average number of photographs is around 25 for a ca. It is crucial that no part of the profile is left out and especially the edges and corners are photographed with the same care as the rest of the profile.

If this is neglected the orthophoto will have noticeable blurriness along the edges because these are usually underrepresented on overview pictures With this the entire on-site SfM-documentation of a profile is completed. Generating and geo-referencing the 3D model In the second step the photographs and measured points have to be put together in a SfM-model.

Photoscan by Agisoft has proven itself to be an excellent tool for this because it not only possesses quality and speed but also user friendliness. Using the hardware12, which was used in the development of this workflow, the calculation of most profiles13 takes between minutes.

Following the calculation of the model it has to be geo-referenced, either manually or via automatically recognized markers. In the examples the composite error of the referencing lies between 3 and 15 mm. Once the model is georeferenced figure 3 it has to be cut so only the profile is left figure 4.

The remaining profile box, which was also photographed, can be removed. The model can initially be saved as overall object with the profile box, horizontal plane and sole in. This step offers the opportunity to research, measure and explore the three-dimensional version of the profile later on. Especially with more complex profiles this additional source of information is recommended.

The finished model of a context on an emergency dig. Some additional tools, which you may find to be useful, are described in the Chapter 4, Advanced use. Loading photos Before starting any operation it is necessary to point out what photos will be used as a source for 3D reconstruction.

In fact, photographs themselves are not loaded into PhotoScan until they are needed. So, when you "load photos" you only indicate photographs that will be used for further processing. To load a set of photos Select Add Photos In the Add Photos dialog box browse to the folder containing the images and select files to be processed. Then click Open button. Selected photos will appear on the Workspace pane.

Photos in any other format will not be shown in the Add Photos dialog box. To work with such photos you will need to convert them in one of the supported formats. If you have loaded some unwanted photos, you can easily remove them at any moment. To remove unwanted photos On the Workspace pane select the photos to be removed.

Remove Items toolbar button. The selected photos will be removed from the Inspecting the loaded photos Loaded photos are displayed on the Workspace pane along with flags reflecting their status.

The following flags can appear next to the photo name: NC Not calibrated Notifies that the EXIF data available is not sufficient to estimate the camera focal length. In this case PhotoScan assumes that the corresponding photo was taken using 50mm lens 35mm film equivalent. If the actual focal length differs significantly from this value, manual calibration may be required. More details on manual camera calibration can be found in the Camera calibration section.

NA Not aligned Notifies that external camera orientation parameters were not estimated for the current photo yet.

Images loaded to PhotoScan will not be aligned until you perform the next step - photos alignment. Aligning photos Once photos are loaded into PhotoScan, they need to be aligned. At this stage PhotoScan finds the camera position for each photo and builds a point cloud model. To align a set of photos Select Align Photos In the Align Photos dialog box select the desired alignment options. Click OK button when done. The progress dialog box will appear displaying the current processing status.

To cancel processing click Cancel button. Alignment having been completed, computed camera positions and a sparse point cloud will be displayed. You can inspect alignment results and remove incorrectly positioned photos, if any. To see the matches between any two photos use View Matches The point cloud and estimated camera positions can be exported for processing with another software if needed. Incorrectly positioned photos can be realigned. To realign a subset of photos Reset alignment for incorrectly positioned photos using Reset Photo Alignment command from the photo context menu.

Set markers at least 4 per photo on these photos and indicate their projections on at least two photos from the already aligned subset. PhotoScan will consider these points to be true matches. For information on markers placement refer to the Setting coordinate system section.

Select photos to be realigned and use Align Selected Photos command from the photo context menu. Alignment parameters The following parameters control the photo alignment procedure and can be modified in the Align Photos dialog box: Accuracy Higher accuracy setting helps to obtain more accurate camera position estimates. Lower accuracy setting can be used to get the rough camera positions in a shorter period of time.

Pair preselection The alignment process of large photo sets can take a long time. A significant portion of this time period is spent on matching of detected features across the photos. Image pair preselection option may speed up this process due to selection of a subset of image pairs to be matched.

In the Generic preselection mode the overlapping pairs of photos are selected by matching photos using lower accuracy setting first. In the Ground Control preselection mode the overlapping pairs of photos are selected basing on the measured camera locations if present.

Constrain features by mask When this option is enabled, features detected in the masked image regions are discarded. For additional information on the usage of masks please refer to the Using masks section. Building model geometry 3D model reconstruction is a computationally intensive operation and can take a long time, depending on the quantity and resolution of loaded photos.

It is recommended to build a model with the lowest quality first to estimate the applicability of the chosen reconstruction method, and then to recompute the results using a higher quality setting. It is also recommended to save the project before building the geometry. To build a 3D model Check the reconstruction volume bounding box. To adjust the bounding box use the Resize Region and Rotate Region toolbar buttons. Rotate the bounding box and then drag corners of the box to the desired positions.

If the Height field reconstruction method is applied, the red side of the bounding box will define the reconstruction plane. In this case make sure that the bounding box is correctly oriented. Select the Build Geometry In the Build Geometry dialog box select the desired reconstruction parameters.

Reconstruction methods PhotoScan supports several reconstruction methods and settings, which help to produce optimal reconstructions for a given data set.

It should be selected for closed objects, such as statues, buildings, etc. It doesn't make any assumptions on the type of the object modeled, which comes at a cost of higher memory consumption. Height field The Height field object type is optimized for modeling of planar surfaces, such as terrains or basreliefs. It should be selected for aerial photography processing as it requires lower amount of memory and allows for larger data sets processing.

Geometry type Sharp Sharp geometry type option leads to more accurate reconstruction results and does not introduce extra geometry, like hole filling "patches". Manual hole filling is usually required at the post processing step. Smooth Smooth geometry type option produces watertight reconstructions with no or little holes on resulting surface. Large areas of extra geometry might be generated with this method, but they could be easily removed later using selection and cropping tools.

Smooth setting is recommended for orthophoto generation. Reconstruction parameters Quality Specifies the desired reconstruction quality. Higher quality settings can be used to obtain more detailed and accurate geometry, but require longer time for processing.

Point Cloud quality setting is used for fast 3D model generation based solely on the sparse point cloud. The option is available for Smooth geometry type only. Face count Specifies the maximum face count in the final mesh. Filter threshold Specifies the maximum face count of small connected components to be removed after surface reconstruction in percent of the total face count.

The 0 value disables connected component filtering. Hole threshold Height field methods only Specifies the maximum size of holes to be filled after surface reconstruction in percent of the total surface area. The 0 value disables automatic hole filling. PhotoScan tends to produce 3D models with excessive geometry resolution, so it is recommended to perform mesh decimation after geometry computation.

More information on mesh decimation and other 3D model geometry editing tools is given in the Editing model geometry section. Texture mapping modes The texture mapping mode determines how the object texture will be packed in the texture atlas. Proper texture mapping mode selection helps to obtain optimal texture packing and, consequently, better visual quality of the final model.

Generic The default mode is the Generic mapping mode; it allows to parameterize texture atlas for arbitrary geometry. No assumptions regarding the type of the scene to be processed are made; program tries to create as uniform texture as possible.

Adaptive orthophoto In the Adaptive orthophoto mapping mode the object surface is split into the flat part and vertical regions. The flat part of the surface is textured using the orthographic projection, while vertical regions are textured separately to maintain accurate texture representation in such regions. When in the Adaptive orthophoto mapping mode, program tends to produce more compact texture representation for nearly planar scenes, while maintaining good texture quality for vertical surfaces, such as walls of the buildings.

Orthophoto In the Orthophoto mapping mode the whole object surface is textured in the orthographic projection. The Orthophoto mapping mode produces even more compact texture representation than the Adaptive orthophoto mode at the expense of texture quality in vertical regions. Single photo The Single photo mapping mode allows to generate texture from a single photo. The photo to be used for texturing can be selected from Texture from list. Keep uv The Keep uv mapping mode generates texture atlas using current texture parameterization.

It can be used to rebuild texture atlas using different resolution or to generate the atlas for the model parametrized in the external software. Texture generation parameters The following parameters control various aspects of texture atlas generation: Texture from Single photo mapping mode only Specifies the photo to be used for texturing. Available only in the Single photo mapping mode.

Blending mode not used in Single photo mode Selects the way how pixel values from different photos will be combined in the final texture. Average - uses the average value of all pixels from individual photos. Mosaic - gives more quality for orthophoto and texture atlas than Average mode, since it does not mix image details of overlapping photos but uses more appropriate photo.

Mosaic texture blending mode is especially useful for orthophoto generation based on approximate geometric model. Min Intensity - the photo which has minimum intensity of the corresponding pixel is selected. Fill holes Enables hole filling for contiguous, orthophoto-like texture generation. Recommended for use only combined with Height-field geometry reconstruction mode. It is recommended to disable hole filling option when texturing stand-alone objects reconstructed in Arbitrary mode.

Atlas width Specifies the width of the texture atlas in pixels. Atlas height Specifies the height of the texture atlas in pixels. Saving intermediate results Certain stages of 3D model reconstruction can take a long time. The full chain of operations could easily last for hours when building a model from hundreds of photos. It is not always possible to finish all the operations in one run. PhotoScan allows to save intermediate results in a project file. PhotoScan project files may contain the following information: List of loaded photographs with reference paths to the image files.

Photo alignment data such as information on camera positions, point cloud model and set of refined camera calibration parameters for each photo. Masks applied to the photos in project. Reconstructed 3D model with any changes made by user. This includes geometry and texture if they were built.

List of added markers and information on their positions. Structure of the project, i. You can save the project at the end of any processing stage and return to it later. To restart work simply load the corresponding file into PhotoScan. Project files can also serve as backup files or be used to save different versions of the same model. Project files use relative paths to reference original photos. Thus, when moving or copying the project file to another location do not forget to move or copy photographs with all the folder structure involved as well.

Otherwise, PhotoScan will fail to run any operation requiring source images, although the project file including the reconstructed model will be loaded up correctly. Exporting results PhotoScan supports export of processing results in various representations. Sparse and dense point clouds, camera calibration data, 3D models, orthophotos, and digital elevation models can be generated according to the user requirements. All other export options are available after the geometry is built.

In some cases editing model geometry in the external software may be required. PhotoScan supports model export for editing in external software and then allows to import it back, as it is described in the Editing model geometry section of the manual. Browse the destination folder, choose the file type, and print in the file name. Click Save button. In the Export Points dialog box set the Point Cloud value for the Quality parameter if you need to export sparse point cloud. To export a dense point cloud choose an approprite quality among the rest of the values.

Specify the coordinate system and indicate export parameters applicable to the selected file type. Click OK button to start export. In some cases it may be reasonable to edit sparse point cloud before exporting it. To read about point cloud edititing refer to the Editing sparse point cloud section of the manual. Camera calibration and positions data export To export camera calibration and positions data select Export Cameras Camera data export in Bundler file format would not save distortion coefficient k 3D model export To export 3D model Select Export Model In the Export Model dialog specify the coordinate system and indicate export parameters applicable to the selected file type.

If the model is referenced in local coordinates, PhotoScan can write a KML file for the exported model to be correctly located on Google maps. The texture file should be kept in the same directory as the main file describing the geometry. If the texture atlas was not built only the model geometry is exported. The most common application is aerial photographic survey processing, but it may be also useful when a detailed view of the object is required.

Orthophoto is often accompanied by the digital elevation model see the next section. In order to export orthophoto in the correct orientation it is necessary to set the coordinate system for the model first. Since PhotoScan uses original images to build an orthophoto, there is no need to build a texture atlas.

To export Orthophoto Select Export Orthophoto In the Export Orthophoto dialog box specify coordinate system to georeference the Orthophoto. Select Blending mode to be used for texture mapping. For details please see the Building model texture section. Click Export button to start export. Write KML file option is available only if the model is georeferenced in WGS84 coordinate system due to the fact that Google Earth supports only this coordinate system. World file specifies coordinates of the four angle vertices of the exporting orthophoto.

This information is already included in GeoTIFF file, however, you could duplicate it for some reason. If you need to export orthophoto in JPEG or PNG file formats and would like to have georeferencing data this informations could be useful. PhotoScan allows to export Orthophoto in different planar projections as well.

You can select projection plane and orientation of the Orthophoto. PhotoScan provides an option to project the model to a plane determined by a set of markers if there are no 3 markers in a desired projection plane it can be specified with 2 vectors, i.

Default value for pixel size in Export Orthophoto dialog refers to ground sampling resolution, thus, it is useless to set a smaller value: the number of pixels would increase, but the effective resolution would not. PhotoScan allows for automatic hole filling.

Check Fill Holes option in the Export Orthophoto dialog to generate holeless orthophoto. Split in blocks option in the Export Orthophoto dialog can be useful for exporting large projects.

If you need an original file or, on the contrary, more compressed file, you should use external software to do the transformation. DEM export Digital elevation models DEMs represent the model surface as a regular grid of height values, and are often used for aerial photographic survey data. Digital elevation model can be combined with orthophoto to produce a 3D model of the area.

World file specifies coordinates of the four angle vertices of the exporting DEM. This information is already included in GeoTIFF elevation data as well as in other supported file formatsfo DEM export, however, you could duplicate it for some reason. PhotoScan allows to export DEM in different planar projections in the same way as it is done for orthophoto export.

See previous section. DEM parts corresponding to the areas visible on less than 2 source photos. The values for the points of the grid that couldn't be calculated will be set to the value indicated in no-data value box. To generate processing report Select Generate Report PhotoScan processing report represents the following data: Orthophoto and digital elevation model sketch.

Camera parameters and survey scheme. Image overlap statistics. Camera positioning error estimates. Ground control point error estimates. Processing report can be exported only after geometry is constructed and georeferenced. Advanced use Splitting project In some cases it is very hard or even impossible to generate 3D model of the whole object in one go.

This could happen for instance if the total amount of photographs is too large to be processed. To overcome this PhotoScan offers the possibility of splitting the set of photos in several separate "chunks" within the project. The alignment of photos, building geometry and forming the texture atlas may be performed on each chunk separately and then the resulting 3D models may be combined together. Working with chunks is no more difficult than using PhotoScan following the general workflow.

In fact, in PhotoScan always exists at least one active chunk and all the 3D model processing workflow operations are applied to this chunk.

To work with several chunks you need to know how to create chunks and how to combine resulting 3D models from separate chunks into one model.



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